Friday, October 25, 2013


Batman Arkham Origins PS3 Cover


Batman: Arkham Origins comes to game development at Warner Bros. Games Montreal and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3 , Wii and Xbox 360 – game console and Microsoft Windows. Based on the DC Comics superhero Batman is a continuation of 2011 – video game Batman: Arkham City , the third installment of the Batman: Arkham series . He is responsible for worldwide release on October 25 , organized in 2013.

Origins Rocksteady Studios Arkham maker series developed and written by Corey May and doom Wendschuh . Is the main plot of the game takes place five years before the 2009 Batman: Arkham Asylum and keep younger and less perfect crime Batman bounty on the head of Mr. Black Mask , drawing eight common causes of death in Gotham City home on Christmas Eve. The game is presented in third person , with an emphasis on skills battles Batman and stealth , detective skills and gadgets can be used in both combat and exploration. Arkham Origins is the first game in the series to offer multiplayer gameplay .

A companion game Batman: Arkham Origins Black Gate is planned for the next release of Arkham Origins for Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita. A spin- off game of the same name for the Ios and Android platform released in early October 2013 .


Origins Arkham game features will be similar to its predecessor. New gadgets for Batman: Arkham series: Remote Claw as Batman in two goals and pull them together to work together to defeat the enemy or hitting them with objects and bind their two wheels – can traverse the elements together create a series Batman, shock gloves, so electric attacks Batman directly prevent some enemies and stuns armored and short – circuit things in the environment and detonators concussion against the big enough group. Some gadgets from the first game of Arkham, including: cryptographic sequencer, used to provide security console hacking Batarang, spent gun, the Batclaw, which is used for tobacco pellet surface together for output resolution and input, explosive gel, a disruptor, My weapons and explosives for the attack range and accelerator, previous versions grave blow.

The game offers fast lap, long distance calls Batman wing aircraft, which can be transferred to other parts of the world can match. Fast is not slipping or struggling to avoid enemy of Batman sues tower installation delivery in some areas and should be disabled with various gadgets and the ability to control the wing player available. Some towers can be turned off when players get the necessary equipment.

Players can cross enemy – controlled areas to deal directly or stealth. Enemy attacks warning displays icons indicating that an attack can be prevented. Fight leads to player efficiency score monitoring, “said some progress in the fight, so as to prevent accidents and the use of gadgets. Chaining Together ‘attack success is rewarded with experience points. Has points can be used to upgrade the system to additional consequences Batman gadgets and abilities allow players to improve or have a more specialized program in game one. The two new types of enemies: “Martial – artist” who is able to block, dodge and fight Batman, and “armored Enforcer” immune damage enemies confused and layered Batman armor armed with several weapons that significant damage, the player can be used to sneak .. To increase the probability of lean in his favor. Aggressive technique that many sites are set high stone Gargoyle Batman has hidden traps and enemies transport between KO.

Arkham offers basic search, such as: “crime in progress”, where Batman Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) assists police activities, such as could be saved from a gang or a reputation for avoiding the death informant cost, “Most Wanted” Let’s Batman check out the main story villain, Anarky blast in the city. The Dark Knight feature offers a growing concern to promote and increase the stealth fighter. Additionally, the Batman Radio Scanner also found in the search. Complete quests are rewarded with experience points and equipment upgrades for Batman.

This game is about a detective skills Batman: Batman, crime scene, with “Video Detective” (which appears in the first – person perspective) all the sights and action of scanning holographic theory of criminal cases. Crimes of the Batcave Batcomputer are considering, will allow players to see a virtual representation of a scene from different angles, with the ability to move through the timeline crime, you will see in slow motion, or break out, and looking for something to go on and solve the crime. Small spread and kill Most reviews Gotham city. Since the examples helicopter crash that Batman will be presented with a false and detailed instructions, check out the site, helicopter shots, so the Batman line projectile trajectory, and the police and additives while solving crimes, gangs, Batman -. Overview crime Batcave serves as the focal point where Batman is able to update the costumes for change. Equipment access card and exercise challenges to overcome – the map is divided from the game in the collection of the same style of the first episode back 1 vs 100 Riddler challenges “in the first leg of” project “..” The players keep 100 against the toughest opponents. After finishing the story mode, the mode of “New Game Plus” locked so if an enemy player game play with gadgets, experiences and skills that are harder to reach all ‘icon on the screen to warn the player attacked early disability. Complete the “New Game +” lock “I am the night” mode, where the game ends when Batman died.

Compatible with systems running Microsoft Windows version of the Nvidia PhysX software engine, pragmatic, dynamic interaction with the game world for production. With medicines work, some areas also snow or fog, Batman respond to the motion, but with PhysX disabled, the result is less or not.


Batman Arkham Origin 1

Batman Arkham Origin 2

Batman Arkham Origin 3

Batman Arkham Origin 4

Batman Arkham Origin 5

Batman Arkham Origin 6

Batman Arkham Origin 7


Arkham station began in late 2011 in the Warner Bros. Studio Development Canada Montreal Games, and the game were officially opened on 9 April 2013.The Studio announced previously worked on adapting Wii :: Development Batman Arkham City, which is what is allowing them to use the Unreal Engine 3 development engine single Rocksteady, developers of the first two games of Arkham. WB Montreal chose to fight the system does not change too much trust works well established, but the introduction of a new type of enemy, in order to give the possibility to use new technology and combat maneuvers defeat opponents. Rock-steady advice on technology, gameplay mechanics and machinery, but WB Montreal to develop the story. Legends of the Dark Knight, and the graphic novel Batman: Why is partly inspired by the comic book Batman. One year, the first year of his career, Batman, like “two years” history written with an Arkham basic plot, such as the relationship with the Joker from Batman, Gordon and Christmas games, partly inspired by Batman: The Man Who Laughs Batman: turning points and Batman: The Long Halloween or historical doom and Corey May Wendschuh writing. With contributions DC Comics and comic book writer Geoff Johns. The Eric Holmes Arkham station served as creative director. Explaining the decision to develop a prequel story, Holmes said Arkham Asylum Batman Arkham City and similar to traditional counterpart thoroughly modern – fully developed character and experience -. But can Batman Arkham basis for various aspects of nature, the game found a query from a lack of experience and increased vulnerability to be completed in January 2013 WB Montreal 80% and use the time in development to improve the final product.

Video Trailer:

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